
Waking Up is Fun with Tocky

Waking Up is Fun with Tocky

Cold nights, oh almost everyone loves them, especially when their loved ones are beside them! I bet, you love it too! And I can just imagine how sound your sleep is during this cold windy night. But when morning comes and you have to get out of bed, sometimes you’d feel too lazy to do that, right? Good if you even wake up minutes before your intended wake up time. But if you go beyond because you slept soundly, well that’s a problem. So better get yourself a partner. No, I’m not talking about a real life partner. I’m talking about this bonkers alarm clock that can bring shivers to your spine just so you wake up on time. Okay guys, meet Tocky!
Now, you might ask, “What’s extraordinary about Tocky that I can’t find from other alarm clocks including the irksome Clocky?” Okay, here’s the answer to that: Tocky has a built-in mic that you can use to record your own wake-up message. Cool, right? Shout if you like or boo yourself if you must just so you open those eyes and get yourself off that cozy bed. Now, if you don’t like booing yourself, then why not choose a really loud music/MP3 and then upload it to Tocky. Tocky will be more than glad to accept that MP3 via USB.
You will sure have fun waking up with Tocky beside you. And since it features touchscreen controls, using it will be of so much ease.

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